Hello! I’m Mitch: Author, health coach, meditation teacher, Kriya yogi, Floridian, and your guide here at humblHuman.

This site is dedicated to those who are ready to awaken to your full potential — those who feel like there’s “something more” out there even if you aren’t sure what it is, or maybe those of you who are already on the spiritual path and would like to continue to make progress.

The path to full Self-Realization (or Enlightenment, as it’s often referred to in other Eastern traditions like Buddhism) isn’t as complex or “wooey” as one might think, or as some spiritual aspirants make it sound. As one of my teachers (Mr. Roy Eugene Davis) used to say, it is mostly a matter of:

  • living skillfully
  • accomplishing worthwhile purposes
  • contemplating higher realities and your true nature until comprehension of these topics is reached
  • learning to be calm, rational thinking, and emotionally mature
  • meditating effectively and regularly to superconscious states
  • and then, with obstacles to Realization removed, letting your awareness naturally and gradually unfold over time.

You’ll find that the messages conveyed here at humblHuman are centered around these goals and are supplemented with my experience as a health coach, business owner, student of Kriya Yoga (more on this below), and fellow human being.

My aim with this blog is to honor the traditions of the great discipline of Kriya Yoga and marry it with our modern-day culture and lifestyles to help facilitate the work you need to do in order to become fully awake in this lifetime. Much of this is just as practical as it is spiritual, so you will see a combination of posts on this site that help you participate effectively in this life while keeping your “eye on the prize” of Liberation, so to speak.

In this way, I plan to explore yogic philosophy and right living practices in a way that is both relatable and effective to those who are sincerely interested in participating in the Realization process.

More Information on Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is a spiritual path leading to Self- and God-Realization (begin reading on Page 5 of this booklet for more information on what this means). Kriya Yoga is said to be the most complete practice of yoga in that it incorporates all of the eight limbs, including wisdom/knowledge, service, practice and adherence to the yamas and niyamas, pranayama (breath control), and so on.

The particular yogic tradition of Kriya Yoga was brought from India to the West by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1920 (he was not the “creator” of this tradition, just the person chosen to disseminate its principles in the West). He went on to found the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) which now has a presence all over the world. As Yogananda often said, Kriya Yoga is the “spiritual highway” in which to quickly reach the Infinite. 🙂

Kriya Lineage & Modern Teachers

This tradition follows the lineage and teachings of Gurus Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda, and Roy Eugene Davis (who initiated me into Kriya Yoga in 2018 and was a direct discipline of Yogananda and founder of Center For Spiritual Awareness in Lakemont, GA).  This lineage also includes great avatars such as Bhagavan Krishna and Jesus Christ, who — in some Yogic circles including Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings and lineage — is considered to be one of the original great masters of Yoga.

kriya yoga lineage

I would also be remiss not to mention my spiritual mentor and friend, Ryan Kurczak, who has led – and continues to lead – many sincere seekers including myself on the spiritual awakening path. To learn more about Kriya Yoga, I encourage you to check out his robust library of teachings and works at KriyaYogaOnline.com or youtube.com/kriyayogaonline.

I appreciate you being here and encourage you to firmly believe that you are already whole and spiritually awake — all you need to do now, is to remember this!